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Know Your Materials: Whip Mix Surgical Guide for Carbon Printers

Originally published on on February 26, 2020

Whip Mix Surgical Guide for Carbon® printers is primarily used to create crystal clear surgical guides that dental surgeons can use to place implants. It has also proven a strong option for prototyping clear or translucent parts. 

Printing with Whip Mix is fast and precise, plus it meets critical biocompatibility regulations. Here’s everything you need to know about Whip Mix Surgical Guide.

Mechanical Specifications

Whip Mix Surgical Guide resin is a Class I biocompatible photopolymerizable resin. Photopolymerizable resins are light-activated, meaning the part will harden or “cure” when exposed to UV radiation or ultraviolet light. Whip Mix Surgical Guide resin can be UV post-cured under nitrogen, but Carbon’s Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology ensures the best results.

Once cured, the resin hardens to a smooth finish and is ready for use after sterilization. Ideal for short-term use, Whip Mix resin has a shelf life of two years before becoming vulnerable to moderate wear. It’s non-cytotoxic, won’t cause chemical hypersensitivity over time, and complies with ISO 10993-1:2018 for use in dental or medical devices.

Whip Mix Surgical Guide resin’s key mechanical specifications include:

  • Elastic Modulus: ca. 1700 MPa
  • Flexural Strength: ca. 90 MPa
  • Elongation at break: ca. 10%
  • Hardness: ca. 80 Shore D

Why Whip Mix Surgical Guide for Carbon Printers?

In general, Whip Mix Surgical Guide resin stands out from other resins for its strength, versatility, and clarity.

Whip Mix Surgical Guide is built for performance with high elongation and tensile strength, making it less prone to breakage. It also has higher flexural strength and flexural modulus than standard dental SG resin. Whip Mix’s unmatched structural integrity contributes to a higher level of consistency that guarantees a clean, precise, and accurate print each time.

Whip Mix Surgical Guide offers additional technical and aesthetic advantages over comparable resins. While dental SG resin changes from translucent yellow to translucent orange after curing (before settling at a lighter translucent orange after sterilization), Whip Mix starts clear and stays clear. This feature may provide dental surgeons with greater visibility during critical procedures.

Getting started with Whip Mix Surgical Guide for Carbon Printers

While Whip Mix Surgical Guide for Carbon Printers is a great choice for dental implant surgical guides, SyBridge does not manufacture dental parts. Instead, we use Whip Mix primarily to prototype applications that require a clear or translucent finish. Since Whip Mix is stronger than other resins, it can stand up to fast-paced production without sacrificing quality or safety. Each print yields high-quality, technically accurate parts.

If you want to gain greater insight into how you can use Whip Mix beyond dental applications, contact the SyBridge team today. We’re passionate about connecting with innovative companies and helping them get products to market faster with state-of-the-art additive manufacturing solutions.

SyBridge Technologies

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