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How SyBridge Expertise Optimizes Your Process and Lowers Costs

How SyBridge Expertise Optimizes Your Process and Lowers Costs

In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, efficiency is paramount. Every second shaved off a cycle time translates directly to higher profits and a competitive edge. And when it comes to injection molding, tooling design is often the foundation upon which everything rests. At SyBridge, we understand this, and it’s why we’ve become the industry leader in design, engineering, and manufacturing of injection mold tooling.

Our expertise goes beyond simply creating high-quality tools. We are experts in optimization, and our dedication to understanding your specific needs allows us to craft solutions that streamline your entire injection molding process.

Supercharging Production

One client, a manufacturer of plastic dosing scoops, faced a common challenge: production couldn’t keep up with demand. They were running four 175-ton injection molding machines 24/7. Each existing 12-cavity tool had a 9.5-second cycle time and produced 110,000 parts per day, but it simply wasn’t enough.

Phase 1

SyBridge engineers evaluated the customer’s existing equipment, systems, and output needs, then designed a new 12-cavity tool using innovative solutions for filling and cooling the component. Upon installation, they realized a remarkable 5.0-second cycle time, a 47% reduction from their previous 9.5-second cycle time. This translated into an 88% increase in daily production with the same machine, producing an impressive 207,000 parts per day.

Phase 2

But SyBridge didn’t stop there. Building on this success, we engineered another tool, this time with 16 cavities; as before, the cycle time was at 5-seconds, and the higher-cavitation tool was still able to run in the same 175-ton presses. This powerhouse pushed daily production even further, reaching 275,000 parts – a 150% increase from the original tool.

The Proof is in the ROI

The impact was undeniable. The manufacturer not only met demand but was also able to get ahead of it, opening up opportunities for new sales growth. SyBridge tooling solutions delivered such significant production gains that the customer was able to recoup their tooling investment in less than 6 months, a testament to the immediate value delivered by SyBridge expertise. But even beyond the initial investment payback, with the increased output, the customer was able to better schedule planned maintenance, extending the life of the tools and leading to additional long-term financial benefits. This is just one example of how SyBridge empowers our partners to achieve remarkable results. Our commitment to precision engineering, coupled with our in-depth understanding of the injection molding process, allows us to:

  • Reduce cycle times through innovative tool design, leading to greater output and increased production efficiency.
  • Lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) through more efficient tooling that drives lower direct and indirect material costs for molded products.
SyBridge Technologies

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