Increase uptime and productivity with our comprehensive mold repair and refurbishment services. With industry-leading capabilities and locations across the US, Canada and Mexico, our quick and affordable engineering change and mold repair services can help you maximize your production efficiency.
Our repair and refurbishment services include:
To help our customers manufacture and move parts around the world, we offer an array of cost-effective landing services that include:
With proactive measures, you can increase equipment lifespan, reduce downtime and save money by avoiding costly repairs and stoppages. Choose from two comprehensive pre-defined service plans or specify your own support requirements for a custom plan that meets your specific needs.
Our preventative maintenance services include:
Looking to reduce downtime, prevent avoidable repairs and save on overall costs? Explore our comprehensive Preventative Maintenance Plans today!
Pricing for custom plans varies based on customer requirements. Holiday and weekend options carry a premium. Volume discount on services within a calendar year are available based on spend level. Transportation can be arranged through SyBridge Technologies. Additional charges (round trip) apply. Invoiced monthly via blanket PO under normal payment terms.
| Alabama, USA | Michigan, USA | Tennessee, USA | Ontario, CAN | Querétaro, MEX |
Manufacturing Facility | 25,000 sq. ft. | 35,000 sq. ft. | 20,000 sq. ft. | 200,000 sq. ft. (two locations) | 25,000 sq. ft. |
Support | 24/7 | 24/7 | 24/7 | 24/7 | 24/7 |